фармзавод монастирище

монастирище фарм

монастирище фармзавод


контрактне виробництво

свічки контактне виробництво

виробництво торгова марка


release form

Release form

Rectal suppositories.


For children

From 6 years


For pregnant women

After consulting a doctor


For nursing mothers

After consulting a doctor


For drivers

Does not affect


Storage temperature

until 15 °C



active ingredient: sea buckthorn oil concentrate; 1 suppository contains 0.3 g of sea buckthorn oil concentrate; excipient: solid fat.

Medicinal form

Rectal suppositories. Main physicochemical properties: suppositories from dark orange to orange color.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Agents affecting the digestive system and metabolic processes. ATX code A16A Kh.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, reparative (wound-healing) effect due to the membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant effects of sea buckthorn oil. Pharmacokinetics. When a suppository is inserted into the rectum, the effect of the drug manifests itself after 15–90 minutes. The duration of resorption of alkaloids ranges from 2 to 6 hours.


In proctology - for chronic diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids, colitis.


Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; diarrhea, inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, gallstone disease.

Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

Interaction with other medicinal products is currently unknown.

Features of use

Before treatment, consult with your doctor! Do not use the drug for longer than the prescribed period without consulting a doctor! If the symptoms of the disease do not begin to disappear or, on the contrary, the state of health worsens, or undesirable phenomena appear, contact a doctor for advice on further use of the drug. Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding is possible if, in the doctor's opinion, the expected positive effect for the mother exceeds the potential risk for the fetus/child. The ability to influence the speed of reaction when driving vehicles or other mechanisms. Does not affect.

Methods of application

Apply rectally after bowel movements, insert the suppository deep into the anus. Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 suppository 1-3 times a day for 7-10 days. Children aged 6 to 12 years – 1 suppository once a day for 7–10 days. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and course of the disease. Children. Apply to children aged 6 and over.


Cases of overdose have not been described.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, burning sensation in the anus area are possible. In the event of the appearance of any undesirable phenomena, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Expiration date

2 years.

Storage conditions

In the original package at a temperature not higher than 15 ºС. Keep out of the reach of children.


5 suppositories in a strip. 2 strips in a pack.

Leave category

Without a prescription.


Monfarm PJSC.


Ukraine, 19161, Cherkasy region, Uman district, village Avramivka, str. Zavodska, 8.


мон фарм

